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language 06.06.2024, Online location_on 07.06.2024, Browary Warszawskie
(ADN Conference Center)

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MS Tech Summit

Meet MS Tech Summit

What is MS Tech Summit? First and foremost, it is one of the few conferences in Poland fully dedicated to Microsoft technologies. The date of the event was specially scheduled shortly after the release of the latest Microsoft solutions, so that MS Tech Summit attendees will have a chance to hear about trends and news as one of the first.

A companion event is the MS Tech Expo - a trade show of jobs, products and services related to the conference theme.

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What is the scope of the event?

Development & Architecture
Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform
Low Code / No Code
Team Leaders, Management
Ninja lessons from the field (400+)
*Ops: SysOps, DevOps, DevSecOps..
Identity Management & Security

Who is the event aimed at?

What does the event consist of?


  • event_note 10+ thematic tracks (including 1 track dedicated exclusively to executives)
  • mic50+ speeches
  • chat Several panel discussions and Q&A sessions


  • storefront Stands of exhibitors presenting their services and products
  • work Job fairs aimed at participants and all interested parties (also from outside)


  • celebration Afterparty
  • language Online networking options

Check out our other events

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Organizers of the event

Since 2005, we have been supporting the Polish IT / data science community in its development. We are not only the organizer, but also the initiator of many significant events aimed at professionals and students in the industry, such as Warsaw IT Days, Data Science Summit, The Hack Summit, Ya!vaConf, MS Tech Summit, IT Job Fair and many meetups. We also help organize IT and data science conferences for companies / organizations interested in such activities.